The first blog in 3 years!

Hello everyone, hope you all are doing well. I’m here still paying for useless service of web hosting. I’m just probably be using this website in perpetuity so yeah

Regardless, there are quite some updates which many of you want to know regarding my content.

Yeah I guess 900321ful is pretty much a music channel, though it is not strictly as such. I should probably be updating over there and talk about what I’m doing right now. Also I’m trying my best to do some animation. My goal is to make an episode or a music video all by myself, with some help or preferably none. Probably have to do Adobe Animate because looks easy but really doesn’t look like it. I actually want to struggle with it.

With that said however I have some other things going on like school, and I unfortunately have to focus on that, get my GPA going. Keep it high, yaknowhatimsayin? And also additionally I am going to have internship from March to August so wish my luck on that hahahahhahha

But… Yeah. I have also uploaded some of my photos of art right over here. I’ve only been doing this for a year? Look at me right now, see how much I improved xd. I love the shadows but I still need to work a bit on the colouring so ahhhhh…

Thanks for taking a look into this update… anyone?

Yeah, anyone looking at this blog. I really have quite a few plans but it’s just too much going on. I’ll come back here once I’m back and I’m good to go.

yes boss
Categories: Uncategorized


Hello! This is me. Hope you are doing well...


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