Yes, my awful, awful drawings are now here. Take a look!

CONTENT WARNING: Possible Rule 34 and porn! (if that’s what you’re looking for then… yoooooo welcome)


Since 2018, it has been a new resolution to pick up a new skill a year…. 2018 was music, 2019 was languages (I managed Chinese and Japanese and a bit of Korean, but I’ve forgotten it now), and 2020 was drawing. And since then, well… I’ve been procrastinating this for a very long time. Alas, here are some drawings in this beautiful gallery of mine. Take a look, and while it might not look that much, it might add up in the near future, and I might improve in the next few years. Who knows? Enjoy!

Also, if you’re wondering in what skill I’m doing in 2021 it’s me doing technical analysis 😀 Bitcoin to $200,000~$300,000 confirmed (As of me typing this in 2021, August 23rd)

Deserted Hotel ALT
(Placeholder image before what you’re going to witness)