NaisNias and NPJCC – Me and the JCC(!)

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Huh???? LMAO???? HELLO?

(WITH VOCALS) Alright who let her out to play with the boys?
(INSTRUMENTALS) Hooley's tired carrying all the weight of the singing lads and lasses

Album Description: Oh my goodness. What is this… I’m not sure why I made this into the works, but nevertheless here it is… In full form! I hate myself lol. Cringe along with me from this!

Yes. This the description in all of the places that I’ve released is when I said this… I don’t like putting this one not a bit. But… it counts as something in my portfolio, so I’ll just accept it and be proud of it. I’m happy I made this xd

Anyways, this album is a cover album with six J-Pop or J-Rock songs, and I did my best with the limited timeframe I had (about 2 months or something) to do this.

Did I enjoy making this? I don’t know, maybe a bit. It was quite an experience to do honestly

Yes the two album versions are here

The whole album using this site:

Or listen to them individually!
First up, the originals!
Alright boys the instrumental versions!