1. It’s quite slow
If you hadn’t noticed by now, this website has been running on cooking oil; barely enough before you patience starts to say “okay, that’s enough,” and click away. Maybe because I’ve been actually using ipage.com but who really knows. I’ve got 17 plug-ins, maybe 17 too many, but I like these plug-ins man they’re so fun to mess around with lol haha. Also, trying to edit or even add a new page takes a reaaaally long time. It’s hard to do on the admin page here! I swear it took me like 30 seconds just to load up the update tab, hahaha.
2. Can’t upload the big files
Bringing from the previous point, this website is from iPage. Originally I wanted to be getting the big files (I needed to put in videos or things alike), and it’s quite difficult afor me, since I needed to use the cPanel route, but since iPage doesn’t have a cPanel, it can be quite frustrating too. I wanted this website to be like a backup or a portfolio to all the stupid stuff that I’ve done back in ye olden days. Oh well, too bad I can’t be getting them files, I guess.
3. Can’t even get my SQL Certificate
Not even a free one! Maybe because I really suck at getting a website or some sort, but it should come for free when you get a new website, but noooooooooo… I don’t have one and I can’t get a free one even. What makes me think that I can get a paid one then?
4. No one cares
It’s on the title.
Nah I’m just kidding. I’m almost hitting 200 of total people seeing my blogs, and that’s quite phenomenal to me, so thanks for looking by at my blogs and maybe some music that I’ve been making idk haha. I needed some own personal archive to put my good stuff so here is this website, I guess.
In summary, I probably need to change my hosting site lmao, as much as I love iPage’s cheap, cheap price, I might need to consider going to different options. I’ve been targetting on Hostgator cloud wordpress thing, it might seem like it’s the way to go! But who knows anyways? Alright, time for me to go now, bye!